January 30, 2011

Camsters Makes Me Laugh

I didn't realize it before Camsters came along, but there are silly moments in which your child just makes you giggle.
Like when she learns how to share and decides to give you everything she gets her hands on...
Or when she makes ugly faces when you brush her hair...
Or when she tries to race you whilst crawling...
Or when she invents this silly fake laugh --that sounds like an old man-- and uses it whenever she deems fit...
Or when she gets excited over pictures of people she knows, and some she doesn't (like the face of "George" on our Seinfeld DVDs)...
Or when she discovers she can crawl backwards while simultaneously watching her right-foot...
Or when she begs and begs to look out the peep hole on the front door...
Or when she tries to use obnoxiously yellow bias tape as a hat...
Or when her kisses really just reminds you of a sucker fish on your face.

I didn't mean for this to turn out so much like a list, but I would hate to forget any of our silly little moments together. Now that she is on the verge of her first birthday I'm feeling a bit sentimental.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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